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Graduation of the first Clap Ruta generation
In October 2022, we began our first Clap Ruta pilot with a challenge: can a six-month program enable young people who did not finish high...

Lecture at the Annual Meeting of Directors of Fechac
"Cities have in their community spaces a very powerful key to open doors of effective learning for millions of kids who today are...

Clap Gira: Building capacities from what we are passionate about
Lanzamos en Clap Valle Dorado, la primera generación de nuestro programa para adolescentes vulnerables Clap Gira.

"I know I'm not alone": the key role of mentors in times of crisis
When you are a girl, boy or adolescent from any part of the world, you have surely faced the daunting challenge of having to adapt to...

Take learning outdoors
Ante el inicio del nuevo ciclo escolar, es momento de replantearlos lo que creÃamos saber del aprendizaje y las escuelas.

Outdoor learning spaces: An opportunity to combat the educational gap
Outdoor learning spaces are taking a leading role to continue educational processes and combat the unequal conditions that thousands of...

The role of community learning spaces during crises
It is their ability to be nodes of community interactions, and not the spaces themselves, that allow libraries and other community...

3 Essential Elements for Building Successful Neighborhoods and Why They Matter
Learning spaces generate agency for communities to develop solutions. Being the closest living space to people, neighborhoods and their...
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